I think that spiritual enlightenment can be made available through prayer, fasting, drinking water, exercise (breathing) - moving your body vigorously (your body is designed to move), emotional intelligence (something that's seen and heard in music, for example), having a positive mindset and being in nature - outside the realms of money (wilderness), setting boundaries for those who may sap out your energy (avoiding bad energy), having company with those who you agree with, knowing yourself, being yourself... passion, fearlessness, free... the vision quest. Cannot serve God and mammon... Christ. Christ went into the wilderness to pray. No drugs... are needed, in my view, because I believe drugs can be especially misleading... in a money-focused society. It's known that understanding is needed concerning alcohol because of the possible harmful and lasting dangers associated with drinking (personally speaking, I didn't have my first beer until I was twenty-seven and I made the choice not to drink). It's possible to become a “drunk” with alcohol - but there are people who can also be agitated if they don't have their drugs. As I believe alcohol can really affect one's judgement, long term, in a negative way (if consumed too much), I believe drugs can really ruin one's ability to have decent judgment and see common good. I've worked with house painters who have been misled by something seemingly as "harmless" as smoking pot - I've never smoked or smoked pot. But if there was no such thing as money and the monetary system completely comes to an end, participating in drug use, with safety and understanding in mind... might be completely fine (although not something necessary).